Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven Concept
A paradigm shift in electric performance.
The Vision One-Eleven Concept walks the line between time machine and spaceship.
In crafting the innovations of automotive performance, the Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven concept vehicle goes all out.
Shining a light on the future with echoes from the past.
Sleek and radiant, the Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven Concept gives the illusion that it could glide into another dimension. And why not? When the engineers of Stuttgart craft their vision into reality, discovering the unknown is the greatest appeal.
This supercar concept offers an otherworldly interpretation of the iconic Mercedes-Benz C 111 of the 1960s and 1970s, a revolutionary of its time. From the gullwing doors to the copper-infused orange paintwork, this ethereal beast invokes awe and intrigue. And it’s charged with an exceptionally powerful, yet highly compact axial-flux motor and all-new battery technology by YASA, an electric motor specialist and subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz AG. YASA and Mercedes-Benz joined forces to unlock unseen potential in electric performance driving.
Signaling that future potential, the compact motor makes way for a roomier lounge-like interior never before seen in a sports car. Built flush-fit into the floor, the sculpted seats dazzle with a white-and-silver sustainably processed leather and a diamond-quilted pattern stitching. In here, you can truly choose your adventure as the Vision One-Eleven offers two modes: Lounge and Race. In Lounge Mode, sleek seats invite occupants to relax — indicating the shift towards self-driving vehicles. In Race Mode, they sit low and back, reinforcing Formula 1 inspirations.
Nodding to retro-tech, the slender display spanning across the dash illuminates with large-format pixels. This 8-bit throwback design acts as an art piece with coarse imagery that’s mirrored in razor sharp resolution on the digital screen mounted next to the steering wheel.
Its user experience system transforms science fiction into fact with the Magic Leap 2 augmented reality headset. Occupants can blend into an alternate environment — an effect that transforms the entire car into a user interface with contextually relevant content integrated into their surroundings.
Taking this look further, Mercedes-Benz launched LIMITED EDITION 1 OF 111, a lifestyle collection that includes a weekender bag, sunglasses, hoodie, cap and iPhone 14 Pro cover, each with that shock of orange and silver to complement the vehicle. In true exclusive form, only 111 of these products will be made.
The Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven made its debut at the Mercedes-Benz International Design Center in Carlsbad, California.