Find answers to commonly-asked leasing, financing and payment questions.
General Information
Payment Information
eBill – Enjoy the convenience of electronic statements.
Paper – Your monthly statement will be sent through traditional mail.
Auto Pay – You’ll receive no monthly statement with Auto Pay. Your monthly bill will be automatically deducted from your selected banking account every month.
If you didn’t receive a first payment envelope from your dealer, click here to download the First Payment Form. Please complete this form and mail it with your first monthly payment to the following address:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA LLC.
PO Box 5209
Carol Stream, IL 60197
Please note: this form should be used only for first payments and all subsequent payments should be made according to the information furnished on your monthly invoice.
Call our Client Service Center at 1.800.654.6222 for details and the fee amount.
The rates provided are for sample purposes only. You and your Mercedes-Benz Dealer will determine your actual rate.
To be consistent, all calculations use MSRP. The Build Your Own process within the Mercedes-Benz web site (MBUSA.com) allows you to adjust the MSRP by selecting your own vehicle colors and options. The payments quoted on the estimator are for sample purposes only. Visit your local dealership for additional information.
Your nearest Mercedes-Benz Dealer will be happy to assist you with a high mileage lease.
The First Class Lease® does not require a security deposit. However, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services does offer a Multiple Security Deposit option, but does not in New York or Puerto Rico.
The estimator uses MSRP, which excludes transportation and handling charges, destination charges, taxes, title, registration, preparation and documentary fees, tags, labor and installation charges, insurance, and optional equipment, products, packages and accessories. Actual vehicle price may vary by Dealer. Payments quoted on the estimator are for sample purposes only. Visit your local dealership for additional information.
Online Credit Application
You will receive an e-mail notification within four business hours, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Eastern. If your application is submitted Saturday, Sunday or during non-business hours, your response will be received between 8 a.m. and noon of the next business day.
Please print the e-mail advising you of the pre-approval. Then contact your Mercedes-Benz Dealer to discuss your next steps.
The representatives at your Mercedes-Benz Dealer will be happy to discuss your options, such as a different model or pre-owned vehicle. It could also be that Mercedes-Benz Financial Services just needs additional information from you in order to pre-approve your original application.
Your Mercedes-Benz Dealer will be happy to assist with changes. However, changes that increase the price could result in an additional inquiry to your credit report.
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA LLC must be listed on your comprehensive and collision coverage as the "loss payee" and as "additional insured" for liability coverage. Please have your insurance agent send complete documentation of all policies, renewals or cancellations to:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
Insurance Services Department
P.O. Box 685
Roanoke, TX 76262-1800
Your First Class Lease agreement requires these minimum coverages:
- Bodily injury liability not less than $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence
- Property damage liability not less than $50,000
- Comprehensive and collision coverage for the actual cash value of the vehicle
- $2,500 maximum allowed deductible
All thefts and damage must be reported to your insurance carrier and to the Client Service Center at (866) 321-8351. An authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealer should repair damages. Substandard repairs could cause charges at the end of your lease.
The check should be jointly issued to Daimler Trust and you. To speed up the release of your vehicle from the body shop, promptly send joint-payee checks, after you endorse them, to the address below. This is the only address that is authorized to endorse these checks. Insurance checks over certain amounts may require the physical inspection of repairs before Mercedes-Benz Financial Services can endorse the check. Please enclose the name and telephone number of the body shop, the insurance estimate, a copy of the body shop repair order, and notate your account number on the check. Send to:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
Insurance Services Department
14372 Heritage Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76177
The difference between the actual cash value of the vehicle paid by your insurance company and the net outstanding balance owed to Mercedes-Benz Financial Services is covered by a GAP Waiver under the terms of your lease agreement. This protection applies as long as your insurance is in place at the time of the loss and your monthly lease payments are current up to the time Mercedes-Benz Financial Services receives the proceeds from your insurance company. You will also be responsible to Mercedes-Benz Financial Services for an amount equal to your policy's deductible. For more information, call our Client Service Center at 800.654.6222.
If you're renewing, canceling or changing carriers, have your agent send a copy of your new policy or binder to Mercedes-Benz Financial Services immediately at the address below. The "loss payee" and "additional insured" names should remain the same. Cancellation notices must be received by Mercedes-Benz Financial Services within 30 days of the effective date. Send to:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
Insurance Services Department
P.O. Box 685
Roanoke,TX 76262-1800
Vehicle Care
The terms of your First Class Lease require you to have your vehicle serviced as recommended by the manufacturer and have all necessary repairs made. Refer to your Owner's Manual for specific maintenance policies and schedules.
The standard for excess wear and use is set forth in your lease.
You could be billed for repairs that don't meet the standards of the manufacturer. The best way to avoid this is to have your vehicle serviced by an authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealer. To find the one nearest you, call 1-800-367-6372 or visit MBUSA.com. Please refer to your First Class Lease agreement for specific details.
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services will be notified by the citing authority of any citations incurred by you, the lessee. MBFS pays parking and toll tickets and adds the charges to your account. First notices of speeding and red-light tickets are forwarded to you. If MBFS receives a second notice for a speeding or red-light ticket, we will pay the amount of the ticket and any penalties or fees assessed and charge that amount to your account. Per the lease contract, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services may charge an administration fee for paying such tickets. Please refer to your contract for the fee. When you receive a forwarded ticket, you should pay the ticket directly to the citing authority and keep record of that payment.
The Municipality sent the parking ticket to us for payment which may have included penalties. If you have paid the violation, please send us a copy of your payment receipt (front and back), along with the citation number. You can fax this information to us at 877-281-2087, Attn: Parking Tickets. If you prefer, you can mail the documentation to us at P.O. Box 685, Roanoke, TX 76262, Attn: Citations Department. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services will review the citation and the date that the payment(s) were received by the Municipality. If your initial payment was received in full by the Municipality, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services will request a refund from the Municipality. If the Mercedes-Benz Financial Services payment was received by the Municipality first, you will need to contact the Municipality for a refund.
The fee is assessed to each parking ticket to cover the administrative costs associated with handling the violation.
Your Mercedes-Benz Financial Services First Class Financing agreement requires continual comprehensive and collision insurance on your vehicle.
Ask your insurance agent to send policies, renewals or carrier changes to:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
Insurance Services Department
P.O. Box 685
Roanoke, TX 76262-1800
Please see your financing agreement.
After notifying the police (where necessary), please notify your insurance agent and our Insurance Support Services Department Monday - Friday between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., Eastern at (866) 321-8351.
If you're renewing, canceling or changing carriers, have your agent send a copy of your new policy or binder to Mercedes-Benz Financial Services at the address below. Please include a copy of your current policy as a reference. Please make sure the "loss payee" language is correct. Cancellation notices must be received by Mercedes-Benz Financial Services at least 30 days prior to the effective date. Send to:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
Insurance Services Department
P.O. Box 685
Roanoke, TX 76262-1800
Vehicle Care
We recommend that you follow the maintenance schedule outlined in your Owner's Manual. An authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealer should do all service and repairs. To find a MB Dealer near you, call 1-800-367-6372 or visit MBUSA.com.
Your financial obligation ends with your last payment, provided no other charges are outstanding. You may pay off the remaining balance of your loan at any time before the last payment is due.
You can access your Account Information on mbfs.com, the My MBFS app, or by calling our 24-hour Automated Information Line at 1.800.654.6222. You can also contact your local Mercedes-Benz Dealer for details. If you are currently using the Auto Pay program to make monthly payments, please request cancellation of Auto Pay at least 10 days prior to paying off or trading in your vehicle to ensure that the funds are not debited in error.
For the fastest processing, please send a Cashier's Check to:
MB Payoff Standard Mailing Address:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
P.O. Box 5209
Carol Stream, IL 60197 - 5209
MB Payoff Overnight Mailing Address:
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
Box# 5209
8430 West Bryn Mawr Ave., 3rd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60631
Please include instructions as to where to send the title.
Preparing for a Dealer Visit
- A form of payment (a blank check, cashier’s check, personal check, or credit card depending on the dealership)
- Driver’s license
- Proof of Insurance
- Title for your trade-in vehicle
- Vehicle Registration
- Account number if vehicle is a current loan/lease
- Vehicle trade-in estimates
Here are a few questions to consider asking during your dealer visit.
Vehicle Details
Is the vehicle I’m interested in currently available at the dealership?
What options are available?
Can I test drive the vehicle I’m interested in?
What are some of the warranty plans for this vehicle?
What are the safety features on this vehicle?
What are the performance features on this vehicle?
What are the security features on this vehicle?
What are the technology and other new features of this vehicle?
Price & Financing
What are my financing options?
Is leasing, what happens at the end of my lease?
Protection Products
What Vehicle Protection Products are available if I lease or purchase?
How will the protection products I select affect my payment?
Will someone go over the vehicle features at delivery?
What happens at delivery, and what information do I need to bring?
Can you deliver the car to my home or work?
Your Credit Score
A credit score predicts how likely you are to pay back a loan on time. A scoring model uses information from your credit report to create your credit score.
Your credit score starts with the information about you from your credit report. A mathematical formula – called a scoring model – is then used to create your credit score.
Credit scores are used by companies to make decisions such as whether to approve a mortgage at a certain rate or issue a credit card. Different lenders use different scoring formulas, so your score can vary from lender to lender. Usually a higher score makes it easier to qualify for a loan and may result in a better interest rate. Most scores range from 300 – 850.
There is no “one” credit score – there are many credit scoring formulas available to you as a consumer as well as to lenders, and the score will also depend on the data used to calculate it.
Some factors that make up a typical credit score include your bill-paying history, the number and type of accounts you have, and how much of your available credit you are using.
Here are some of the other common factors that make up a typical credit score:
- How long you have had your accounts open
- Your recent credit activity
- Whether you’ve had a debt referred for collection, a foreclosure, or a bankruptcy, and how old these are
There is not “one” credit score. There are many credit scoring formulas available to you as a consumer as well as to lenders, and the score will also depend on the data used to calculate it. For the most common scores, the information that goes into your score comes from your file at the credit reporting companies. This is why it is so important to review these files to ensure they are accurate.
By law, the calculation of your credit score can’t use or take into account factors such as:
- Race or color
- Religion
- Sex (gender)
- National origin
- Marital status
- Whether you have formally disputed information on your credit report
To get and keep a good credit score, first pay your bills on time.
There are no secrets to building a strong credit score, but following these guidelines should help:
Pay your bills on time, every time. One way to make sure your payments are on time is to set up automatic payments, or set up electronic reminders. If you’ve missed payments, get current and stay current.
Don’t get close to your credit limit. Credit scoring models look at how close you are to being “maxed out,” so try to keep your balances low in proportion to your over credit limit. Experts advise keeping your use of credit at no more than 30 percent of your total credit limit. Note: you don’t need to revolve on credit cards to get a good score. Paying off the balance each month helps get you the best scores.
A long credit history will help your score. Credit scores are based on experience over time. The more experience you have with getting credit and paying your bills on time, the more information there is to determine whether you are a good credit risk.
Only apply for credit that you need. Credit scores look at your recent credit activity as an indicator of your need for credit. If you apply for a lot of credit over a short period of time, it may appear to lenders that your economic circumstances have changed negatively.

Leasing & Financing Glossary
Visit our glossary page to familiarize yourself with various terms and phrases related to leasing and financing a vehicle.